Hot and Fun: Steampunk Top Hat

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In the world of steampunk, top hats are a staple. They have been around since the 1800s and originated as part of a uniform for military officers. In recent years they have become popular with other steampunk customers, but most people don’t know that there is more than one type of top hat! In this article, we will go over two types: tophats and stovepipes.

Tophats: Tophats are the most common type of steampunk top hat. They have a wide brim and usually come in either black or brown leather, with buckles on the side for decoration. You may see this style as part of some other costume genres such as western wear or Victorian dress but these hats will still be considered steampunk.

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Stovepipes: Stovepipe hats are not common in the steampunk world, but they can be seen as part of some other costume genres such as western wear or Victorian dress. They have a thin brim and only come in black with no decoration on them. The top is pointed like a chimney for whatever reason.

We hope you enjoyed this steampunk top hat blog post and that it may have given you some inspiration or even an idea of what to purchase next time you’re looking to buy a new steampunk outfit. We will be updating our blog as we come across any new steampunk news or fashion trends so make sure to come back and check us out!

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What is steampunk?

Steampunk is a subgenre of science fiction and fantasy that came about in the late 70s as an offshoot of cyberpunk. It typically features steam-powered machinery, especially in a setting inspired by industrialisation during the Victorian era. The genre often includes alternate history with some parts based on the Western society around the turn of the 20th century.

What are the components of a steampunk outfit?

The typical outfit will include an overcoat, corset top or jacket, and trousers with boots for both men and women. Men’s clothing typically includes waistcoats in addition to their other layers while ladies’ outfits usually feature contrasting colours on sleeves or collars for a bit of flair.

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What are the different types of steampunk top hats?

There are many different styles to choose from but most will typically have a wide brim with an upsloping crown, resembling a locomotive chimney in design. It is not uncommon for these hats to include gears and other mechanical pieces indicative of steampunk fashion as well.

The turn of the 20th century brought many new inventions and styles to the world, including steampunk. The style can be described as a fusion between early science fiction with Victorian eras fashion styles; this provides for an interesting mix that has garnered it quite a following in recent years. Below are some popular questions about steampunk which will hopefully help you to understand the style and why it is so popular.

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What are some steampunk clothing items?






How can I find a top hat for my party costume?

If he would like something with more of a vintage feel then this could be a great choice.

What is steampunk clothing?

clothes that have a Victorian era feel

mixed with modern-day technology and designs

can be from any time period, but usually has an early 20th-century twist to it.

Is there such thing as steampunk winter wear?

Some people do use this type of clothing for winter

What steampunk subsets are there?

Cyberpunk is a genre where the focus is on computer hacking and heavy science fiction.

Dieselpunk is heavily influenced by the art deco movement from 1920 to 1940s, as well as popular culture from that time period.

Atompunk is steampunk that focuses on nuclear energy and the Atomic Age (1940-1960).

How do I wear a top hat?

A gentleman places it at a slight slant, so that his head may easily rest upon.

Where are some good sources for finding steampunk gear online?

There are many vendors who sell steampunk gear.

Etsy is a good place to search for vintage clothing and accessories from sellers who specialize in this type of style.

One example of an online store that sells steampunk fashion, as well as offers custom work on the items they sell, is Blackbird Designs.

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Why do I want to wear a top hat?

It’s an accessory that can be worn to many different events, as well as everyday wear.

A steampunk gentleman may want a top hat for the following reasons:

To add flair to their outfit and make themselves stand out from others in the scene;

When they find themselves in any sort of formal or semi-formal social gathering;

To maintain the steampunk aesthetic, when they can’t find other headgear to fit that style.

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