The Best Free SEO Tools Exposed!

Best Free SEO Tools
The Best Free SEO Tools Exposed

There are literally hundreds of different free SEO tools available, so how can you choose the best ones to add to your arsenal? There is no magic formula, but by considering the purpose of the tool, and its compatibility with your online marketing campaign. Many people within the SEO community have aided vet the various best SEOgroupbuy tools on this list (see their comment at the bottom). It is important to remember, however, that different tools work better for different people, and what may work for you, may not work for someone else.

Keyword Planner / Keyword Suggestion Tool

One of the first tools that you must have in your arsenal is a keyword planner or keyword suggestion tool. This is simply a program that will generate keyword suggestions based on your current Web pages. Some of the more advanced tools allow you to enter a URL, select a keyword, and then search all major search engines for keywords associated with that URL. This is an invaluable tool for people who are beginning to build a list of targeted keywords. If you are starting a new site, you should use a keyword planner for initial keyword research.

Page Speed Analyzer

Another important tool is a page speed analyzer. This will display your site’s download speed, both when loading in and after the user has left. There are many tools available for users to view page speed, and some tools provide richer results. A tool like this can prove very helpful when optimizing for SEO in a developing market.

Some free tools provide analytics through Google’s Chrome browser and third-party plug-in technologies. These analytics tracking features include but are not limited to the following: website ranking, active site links, latest search engine updates, number of pages downloaded, total number of visitors, number of unique visits, and so forth. With these advanced analytics, you can monitor keywords, view how your competition is ranking, and get an idea of what your target market wants. Most analytics programs allow you to run custom reports as well.

Google Analytics

The best SEO group buy tools will also integrate with off-page tools. An on-page optimization tool will help you analyze which on-page elements are attracting organic traffic, and which are not. One example includes Google Analytics, which provides comprehensive insights into how people are navigating and engaging with your site. In order to perform a competitive analysis, you need to dig deep into the details. A great strategy is to combine on-page and off-page analytics with a backlink analysis tool.

Another free tool that provides a wealth of insight into your competitors’ sites is a backlink generator. Backlinks are the lifeblood of an SEO campaign, because the more links you have coming to your site, the better your search engine positioning will be. However, it’s easy to spam the system with backlinks without being noticed, so you need to use a tool that’s accurate and effective. Majestic SEO has developed a tool called Link Popularity Check to help you identify high-performing links that drive relevant traffic to your website.

Social Media Analytics Tools

The final set of free tools that we’ll discuss are the social media analytics tools. These are basically small chrome extensions that install in your Firefox or Chrome browser and track everything that is said and done on popular social networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. You can set these up once and forget them, or you can run them constantly to get a daily summary of what is working and trending on your favorite social networks. A great feature of the chrome extension is customizable widgets. You can include any number of widgets that you find interesting, and each one displays information differently. For example, a news widget will show you breaking news stories, a music widget will play songs you may be interested in, and a product widget will display price drops that you may be interested in.


The best feature of all the above tools is the keyword research tool. Majestic SEO offers this in addition to all the other tools listed above. Keyword research is crucial if you want to optimize your website for the search engines, and Majestic SEO provides this function in its very own chrome extension. This is by far the best feature of all the tools we discuss, and is also one of the most recommended.