The Top Inuyasha Filler List


Inuyasha is one of the most popular anime series to date. In fact, it’s so popular that people still talk about it to this day. Inuyasha filler list has been created for those who need a quick refresher on what happened in Inuyasha and want to know where they can watch some Inuyasha filler episodes online.

The first Inuyasha filler episode was aired in March of 2000 and came out at the height of InuYahsa fever. The first five episodes were designed as an introduction to the world and characters of InuYasha, but since then there have been many more storylines that have taken place during breaks between canon story arcs.

The Second Filler Arc was InuYasha Sesshoumaru Taisou Hen. This arc is set before the main story of Inuyasha and follows InuYahsa’s older brother, Sesshoumaru.

The Third Filler Arc was InuYasha: Shiori’s Story. This arc is set 200 years before Inuyasha and follows a girl named Shiori who has the same demon blood as Inuyasha but lacks his fighting abilities.

The Fourth Filla Arc was InuYasha: The Search for Uta-Nashi. In this arc, Inuyasha and company search for a demon named Uta-Nashi who has been tasked with clearing out the human village.

The Fifth Filler Arc was InuYasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask. In this arc, Inuyasha searches for a mask that will supposedly allow him to take revenge on his father.

The Sixth Inuyasha Filler Arc was InuYasha: Kagome’s Descent into Wonderland. In this arc, Inuyasha and company travel to a world where all of the inhabitants are humans except for one demon who has been tasked with retrieving a girl named Alice from her home in order to destroy it.

The Seventh Inuyasha Filler Arc was InuYasha: The Mysterious Western Tailsman. In this arc, Inuyasha and company enter a village in the west where they are blackmailed by villagers into finding out why their king can no longer take baths without breaking down into tears.

The Eighth Inuyasha Filler Arc was InuYasha: The Demon with No Name. In this arc, Inuyasha and company are escorting a monk on his journey to find the demon that is terrorizing a village and they run into another group who does not seem very keen on letting them pass through their territory unharmed.

The Ninth Inuyasha Filler Arc was InuYasha: A Feud for the Ages. In this arc, Inuyasha and company are told by a group of children that they must take up their feud with another village in order to end it once and for all but Inuyasha has different plans altogether.

The Tenth Inuyasha Filler Arc was InuYasha: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass. In this arc, Inuyasha and company are travelling through a forest when they find themselves in front of a castle that looks an awful lot like their own but with some slight differences.

The Eleventh Inuyasha Filler Arc is Inuyasha: Kagome’s Voice and Inuyasha’s Feelings. In this arc, Inuyasha has been captured by a group of humans who plan to use him as bait for Kagome in order to get the jewel shards that he swallowed at some point during their previous battle with Naraku; however, Inuyasha breaks free before they have the chance.

The Twelfth Inuyasha Filler Arc is Inuyasha: Kikyo and the Dark Priestess. In this arc, Inuyasha has been captured by a group of humans who plan to use him as bait for Kagome in order to get the jewel shards that he swallowed at some point during their previous battle with Naraku; however, Inuyasha breaks free before they have the chance.

The Thirteenth Inuyasha Filler Arc is Inuyasha: The Demon’s True Nature. In this arc, Inuyasha has been captured by a group of humans who plan to use him as bait for Kagome in order to get the jewel shards that he swallowed at some point during their previous battle with Naraku; however, Inuyasha breaks free before they have the chance.

The Fourteenth Inuyasha Filler Arc is Inuyasha: The Red Tessaiga’s True Power!. In this arc, Inuyasha has been captured by a group of humans who plan to use him as bait for Kagome in order to get the jewel shards that he swallowed at some point during their previous battle with Naraku; however, Inuyasha breaks free before they have the chance.

The Seventeenth Inuyasha Filler Arc is Inuyasha: The Final Battle!. In this arc, Inuyasha has been captured by a group of humans who plan to use him as bait for Kagome in order to get the jewel shards that he swallowed at some point during their previous battle with Naraku; however, Inuyasha breaks free before they have the chance.