What Is Arv in Real Estate & Calculator for Investors

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ARV stands for After Repair Value and it is an important tool for anyone looking to invest in real estate. It’s a way to determine the value of your home once all the necessary repairs or renovations have been completed. By understanding what it is and how to use it, you’ll be able to confidently calculate what your property is worth after completing any repairs or renovations.

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In this article, we will discuss what ARV means in real estate, and knowing what is ARV in real estate, it can help you make smarter decisions about your investment properties.

ARV is important in real estate because it gives you a realistic idea of what your property is worth. It takes into account all the necessary repairs or renovations that need to be made and provides an accurate estimate of what the property would be worth once they are completed. This can help you make more informed decisions about whether you should purchase a property or not, what price to offer on a house etc.

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It’s also important to note that ARV isn’t just for investors – homeowners can use it too! If you’re thinking about renovating your home, knowing what is ARV in real estate will give you a good idea of how much money you should aim to make back from the renovation.

Why Is After Repair Value in Real Estate Important for Home Sellers?

After repair value (ARV) is an estimate of what a property could sell for after it has been repaired and updated. This figure can be important to home sellers because it can help them establish what their asking price should be. It’s also helpful for buyers, who can use ARV as a guide to determine whether or not a property is a good deal.

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It’s important to remember that ARV is just an estimate; the final sale price may end up being higher or lower than the ARV. However, having a good understanding of what your property is worth after repairs have been made will give you a better idea of what you can ask for – and what you might be able to negotiate.

What Is The After Repair Value Formula?

The After Repair Value (ARV) formula is estimated repairs/renovations cost divided by current market value multiplied by 70%. This will give you a good estimate of what the property should be worth after all necessary repairs or renovations have been completed. Again, this calculation is not an exact science, but it can help you get a general idea of what to expect.

The calculation for ARV takes into account three factors:

  1. The estimated cost of the repairs/renovations – this is what it will cost to make the property livable again.
  2. The current market value of the property – this is what the house is currently worth on the market.
  3. The estimated time it will take to complete the repairs/renovations – this is how long it will take for everything to be completed.

Here’s an example:

Let’s say you have a property that needs $15,000 worth of repairs but its current market value is $100,000. Using the ARV formula, your ARV would be $115,000 (i.e. 100,000 + 15,000 = 115,000).

As you can see, taking into account the estimated cost of repairs and renovations as well as how long they will take, you can get a good idea of what your property is worth once the repairs/renovations are completed.

While this calculation is not an exact science, it can give you a good ballpark estimate for how much a property may be worth after its makeover. Keep in mind that what the house is worth once it’s fixed up will be highly dependent on what kind of market you’re in.

What Is the 70 Rule Real Estate Calculator?

The 70 rule real estate Calculator is a real estate calculation that can help you estimate what the After Repair Value (ARV) of a property will be. This rule states that the ARV of a property should be 70% or more of its current market value.

There are many online calculators that will help you do this math, but it’s important to remember that there are many variables at play here and this is just a guideline. 

For example, if you’re in an area where prices are dropping, the ARV may be lower than 70% of the current market value even if all repairs have been completed. Conversely, if you’re in an area with rising prices, the ARV could exceed 70% of the market value even if it needs a lot of work.

The 70 Rule is just a place to start, but ARV can vary widely from house to house and location to location so keep that in mind as you’re doing your calculations.

Interior of a stylish dining area of a property for sale

What Is The Difference Between ARV And FMV?

Another term that people sometimes confuse with ARV is FMV – this stands for Fair Market Value and it’s what real estate agents typically use to determine what price they should list a house at on the market.To enhance this process and ensure accuracy, adopting a sophisticated real estate agent CRM solution is vital for agents to proficiently manage and assess market data.

Here’s an example: 

Let’s say we have three houses in our neighborhood: one needs $15,000 worth of renovations, another needs $20,000 and the third doesn’t need any work done at all (this would be considered 100% livable). If their current market value was $100k each and it will cost approximately the same amount to complete the renovations on each of them, then what would their FMV be?

In this case – $100k. 

If you were a real estate agent or investor and wanted to sell all three houses as-is (meaning without any repairs), your asking price for each house would need to match what its FMV is: $100k in this case.

ARV vs FMV can sometimes confuse so it’s important to know what they mean and how they differ from one another! It’s also worth noting that if you’re purchasing an investment property, ARVs are typically higher than market values since there needs to be some room for profit once everything has been completed.

Benefits Of Using ARV In Real Estate

Now that we’ve covered what ARV is and how to calculate it, let’s take a look at some of the benefits of knowing what is ARV in real estate and using it:

Better pricing

By using what your property will be worth after renovations, you can make sure that you’re offering a competitive price. For example, if there are several similar properties on the market and one has been renovated but is priced lower than what it would be worth once fixed up (ARV), then this could give an edge to whoever is selling it – assuming they put in the work to get their home looking better!

Less chance of underpricing

If we go back to our previous example with three houses needing about $15k-$20k each for repairs/renovations, let’s say you choose not to use ARV when deciding how much these homes should cost and set the prices at what they’re currently worth. In this case, you might end up underpricing your homes – what if one of the houses needs more work than the other two?

Ensures a fair purchase

Using ARV ensures that both parties are getting what they think they’re paying for. When someone is buying an investment property or home as a rental, it’s important to make sure everything has been accounted for and there aren’t any unpleasant surprises once renovations have been completed!

Gives you a realistic idea of what your property is worth

This is especially helpful when you’re in the early stages of your renovation and want to get a good idea of what kind of return on investment (ROI) you can expect.

Helps you decide whether or not to purchase a property

While ARV is helpful for anyone looking to invest, it can also be useful to regular homeowners who are planning on selling their home and want a good idea of what the market values their property at.

Helps you budget your renovation project

If there’s one thing that all renovations need, it’s money! Knowing and explaining what is ARV in real estate will help give you a more accurate picture of how much everything costs – this means fewer surprises when the bill comes in!

When planning a renovation project, it’s important to have realistic expectations about what things are going to cost and how long they’ll take. By understanding what ARV real estate term means and how it works, you’ll know just what kinds of numbers should go into determining how much something costs or when certain aspects should be completed.

It creates room for profit

No matter what kind of real estate transaction you’re involved in or what type of investment strategy you choose, making sure that there’s some “wiggle room” when determining what price should be paid is always a good idea. If you’re looking to invest in real estate, using what your property will be worth after renovations help ensure that you’ve got everything covered – including what kind of return on investment (ROI) can be expected!


As an investor, landlord or flipper, use this tool along with others such as assessing renovation costs and finding good deals when buying properties to give yourself a better idea of what type of ROI (return on investment) you can expect.

If you’re looking to buy, sell, or invest in real estate, be sure to check out our other tools and resources or visit our website for other real estate topics.

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Anshu Dev
Anshu Dev
Internet trailblazer. Travel ninja. Social media evangelist. Incurable explorer. Subtly charming organizer. Tv scholar. Alcohol geek. Certified creator.

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