5 Tips for Caring for Your Skin and Hair

Skin and Hair

Having healthy skin and hair does more than just improve your looks. Sticking to the routine that works best for you can also have an improvement on your general health. Attaining a healthy outward appearance can benefit your inside health. A good skin and hair routine is connected to keeping your body hydrated, so regardless of your physical appearance, applying at least a little bit of care to your skin can go a long way toward improving your health. See Totality Skincare for a glowing Complexion! Check out these five tips for maintaining a healthy skin and hair care routine.

1. Stay Hydrated 

Clean water is essential to a healthy lifestyle, both drinking it and applying it to your skin. Water with an excess of minerals is known as hard water and can dry out both your skin and hair if too much of it is applied to yourself during your daily showers. You can remove these harsh chemicals from your water with treatment such as through a reverse osmosis water filter or other kinds of filtration systems. Softer water can have a much more gentle effect on your body, both when drinking and when bathing.

While drinking clean water regularly is highly recommended in general, the topical application of water to your skin also has an effect depending on how you use it. Too much exposure to hot water can dry out your skin and lead to problems in that regard, so changing your shower routine could help. If you are not comfortable taking colder showers, you can instead limit the time you spend in hot water. Set a timer to ensure you spend no longer than necessary in the shower. You can also use a humidifier to put moisture back into your skin.

2. Moisturize

A good moisturizing routine applies to both your skin and your hair. After your shower, dry yourself off and apply a gentle moisturizing cleanser to your skin. Make sure to use a moisturizer that does not have any harsh chemicals. The moisturizing process helps with your overall skin and hair hydration, as it can help seal in the moisture rather than drying yourself out. 

3. Use Conditioner on Your Hair

Conditioner is the key to shinier, healthier hair. Applying conditioner to your hair in your showers can put moisture back into your hair as well as detangle and reduce frizz. Apply conditioner after the shampoo so that it will cling to your hair and retain the hydration that shampoo may have stripped away. If you have particularly curly hair, you can follow up your conditioner use with combing or brushing to help detangle your hair. 

4. Do Not Use Shampoo Every Day

Using too much shampoo can remove the good natural oils of your hair. Instead, try to use shampoo only two to three times a week. This way, you can keep your hair fuller and healthier.

5. Exfoliate Your Skin

Exfoliating your skin can remove dead skin cells and leave your skin fresh and healthy. Be careful not to do this process too often, however, as this could potentially lead to stripping your skin of helpful oils. Instead, use your exfoliating process no more than once a week to remove any dead skin. Afterwards, be sure to apply moisturizer and adhere to your normal skin care routine. Otherwise, you could harm your skin and dry it out. 

Add vitamin D:

Vitamins are not just essential for your bones and muscles; your skin needs them too. Certain vitamins such as Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Omega fatty acids, and the like are especially beneficial for healthy skin. So when you are planning your diet, including food items that are rich sources of these vitamins.

Everyone has different needs when it comes to skin and hair, so find the process that works best for you. For instance, straight hair tends to get greasy quicker than curly hair, which may require a more elaborate hair care routine. If you find that you have troubles with dry or unhealthy skin that changing your routine does not seem to help, see a dermatologist for help. A specialized doctor may provide you with a special routine that can aid your skin. With the right care and attention to your skin and hair, you can look forward to both a new look and a healthier lifestyle.