Risk of Rain 2 is an absolute blast to play, and the risk/reward system makes it even more exciting. It’s also a great way to meet new people, as we’re all trying our best not to get killed in this addictive game!
Every character has their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to fighting monsters or other players. In this tier list, I will rank each character from weakest (Tier 1) to strongest (Tier 5). Tier 1 characters are not recommended for competitive multiplayer games because they are too weak. They may be useful in single-player mode though!
List Every Character in Risk of Rain 2:
Tier One:
L’il Pea  (The character you spawn as)
Mantis (Scythe Only, however, can be useful in single-player mode)
Tier Two:
Gambler  (Can’t use guns, but has the best risk/reward ratios. Has an ability that can risk your life to get enemies)
Voltar  (He’s the only character that can heal himself. However, he has low health and no guns. Can be useful in single-player mode)
Tier Three:
Player (Can’t do anything special besides shoot)
Jammer (Has an ability that jams enemies, but can’t do much else)
Squirt  (Can only use water guns. Useful in single player because he has a shield ability that protects him from fire)
Pogo (Especially when equipped with a boomerang)
Polar Bear Cub
Tier Four:
(Useful for multiplayer games with friends, not recommended for competitive players)
Lancer (Gun with a low rate of fire and short-range)
Worker Bee  (Can only attack with bees, but can be useful for multiplayer in a risk/reward ratio sense)
Pirate (Only good if you’re already winning. Has an ability that gives him more health and speed when he’s low on life.)
Pinata Party Guy
Tier Five:
(No risk, no reward)
Croc Wrangler
Pumpkin King
Tier Six:
(Don’t bother.)
Necro (Can only use a bomb that damages nearby enemies and himself. Doesn’t have any abilities to defend against other players)
BeeKeeper (Only good if you’re already winning. Has an ability that gives him more health and speed when he’s low on life.)
Spider Mage (Can only attack with bees, but can be useful for multiplayer in a risk/reward ratio sense)
Tier Seven:
(Don’t bother.)
Energy Thief
Enchanted Tree
Tier Eight:
(Don’t bother.)
Catcher (Can only throw, no risk)
Hunter (Only good if you’re already winning. Has an ability that gives him more health and speed when he’s low on life.)
A Tier:
(Good risk/reward ratio.)
Hunter (Only good if you’re already winning. Has an ability that gives him more health and speed when he’s low on life.)
B Tier:
(Solid risk/reward ratio, but not the best)
Acrobat  or Ninja Assassin  (Ninja Assassin is better at risk/reward ratio, but the Acrobat can use a thrown weapon and jump)
Energy Thief
C Tier:
(Solid risk/reward ratio.)
Enchanted Tree
D Tier:
(The risk isn’t worth it. Has some utility either way.)
Enchanted Tree
E Tier: (Don’t bother.)
Catcher (Can only throw, no risk)
F Tier:
(Terrible risk/reward ratio. Has a chance of winning the game for you if they win it at all.)
Hunter (Only good if you’re already winning.)
G Tier:
(There’s a risk but no reward. These characters have a risk that isn’t worth the payout)
H Tier:
(These are bad even for risk/reward ratio and should be avoided at all costs if possible.)
Hunter or Enchanted Tree
I Tier:
(These characters are risk/reward ratio is poor and should be avoided.)
Assassin or Acrobat
J Tier:
(Terrible risk/reward ratios. Avoid these at all costs, but feel free to try them out if you want)
Enchanted Tree or Assassin
K Tier:
(High risk, high reward. The payoff is worth it if you win but the risk could be too much.)
Hunter  or Acrobat
L Tier:
(This character has a risk that’s not worth the payout and should never be used)
 Spider Queen (Only if you have good armour and upgraded weapons, or risk being killed in one hit by other monsters) .
This is a risk of rain character tier list. Tier one characters are not recommended for competitive multiplayer games because they are too weak. They may be useful in single-player mode though! We will now go over every risk of rain character from weakest (Tier One) to strongest (Tier Five). Tier One:
Gambler (Can’t use guns, but has the best risk/reward ratios. Has an ability that can stun enemies around him) …
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“Tier Two: Gambler (Can’t use guns, but has the best risk/reward ratios. Has an ability that