War of the Spark Draft Tier List

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The War of the Spark Draft Tier List is a list of all cards in the set and their respective tier. It includes commons, uncommons, rares, mythics, and more! This list will be updated periodically as new information becomes available.

A war draft tier list is an essential tool for anyone who wants to play drafts or sealed games with War of the Spark. The list should help players pick which cards to draft and put in their decks. The War of the Spark Draft Tier List is a list of all cards in the set, what rarity they are, and where on the tier list that card falls.

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The list includes commons, uncommons, rares, mythics, and more! It will be updated periodically as new information becomes available. This war draft tier list is intended to help players pick which cards they want in their deck of choice for war drafts or sealed games with War of the Spark. The best way to use this list is to look at the tier list and see which cards are higher in their respective tiers. Then, take those cards either as your main focus for drafting or put them into your sealed pool to get a better chance of drawing one of these high-tier/high power cards.

Tier One: Crackleburr, Devouring Greed, Flesh Carver, Goblin Cutthroat, Ghastly Renewal

Tier Two: Ancient Automaton, Bone Splinters, Death’s Presence (and all other cards with the keyword Entomb), Dead Reveler.

Crackleburr – War Drafts are a very fast format and this spell is a quick way to deal with your opponent.

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Devouring Greed – This card is a total staple for any aggressive deck and also has the bonus of being very cheap so you can play other cards in the same turn if they are less expensive.

Flesh Carver – One of my personal favorite creatures from the War of Spark set because of how efficient it is.

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Goblin Cutthroat – Another staple for any aggressive deck and one of the best cards in your sealed pool because you can’t really get this card wrong.

Ghastly Renewal – This card should be a priority to mulligan on turn four or five when most games are decided, but also has the versatility to be a late-game card.

A glimpse of Nature – One of my favorite cards in War Drafts because you can use it as a finisher or just play one spell per turn and still generate enough tokens to win before your opponent has time to draw their answer.

Mirror Image – A good pick-up for any deck but especially good for aggressive decks that want to end the game quickly.


War of Spark drafts is often about picking up cards that don’t require a lot of synergy with your other cards and can be strong on their own or very easy to play into existing synergies such as creatures that make tokens when they attack.

Decks that run a lot of removals have an easier time clearing the board but are less likely to end up with creatures in play, so make sure you’re not drafting too many cards from those colors and also keep at least one creature per color.

You want to pick your card based on what you need for any deck with a lot of removals because you can use it to protect your high-impact creatures.

Staff’s Familiar – The card that is most likely to win me my games when I have three or fewer mana in the game, even if they are spells themselves.

Strange Inversion – A great way for an aggro deck to finish off an opponent and it’s cheap enough that you can use it as a play on turn three or four.

Dryad Greenseeker – A good way to find the card in your deck that is most likely going to win you the game.

Bojuka Bog – I’m not always happy when my opponents are running lots of graveyard cards but this is an excellent answer to that.

Trostani Discordant – There are a lot of creature decks running around and she has the potential to be an absolute bomb against those sorts of decks, but I think it’s going to depend on what you’re playing with her for whether or not she’s any good.

Skeletal Archer – I’m not often happy when my opponents are running lots of small creatures, but this is a nice way to remove them from the board.

Nexus of Fate – I think it’s one of the best cards in the set to ramp into and late game, you want all your spells to be cheap.

Livonia Silone – A nice way for a control deck that is trying to win with creatures or goes long against an aggro opponent.

Ishkanah, Grafwidow – A giant spider that can block, kill flyers, and gains some life.

Narset Transcendent – One of the best planeswalker cards to ramp into in a control deck.

Liliana Vess – I may be biased here because she’s my favorite card, but she gives you so many options against control decks and she’s one of the best cards to ramp into.

Fatal Push – One of my favorite removal spells in all formats, I’m glad it saw an instant reprint here.

Deathbringer Thoctar – This is a good card for aggressive green-based creature decks that are looking to end games quickly.

Lava Coil – Removal for black decks that can’t kill either white or green creatures.

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