5 Common Hair Extension Myths Debunked

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Hair trends keep on changing and will keep on changing.

Hairstyling, hair colouring and hair cuts are some of the most commonly changing hair trends we know about. A part of hair trends come from hair extensions as well. 

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Hair Extensions – A Popular Trend

Hair extensions are no less than a blessing for people who have trouble growing their hair. Hair extensions are a quick hair fix and within a few minutes, you can get the hair of your choice. However, when it comes to hair extensions, there are many questions on the safety of hair extensions. 

Despite the fact that it is quite a trend, the safety of hair extensions is always questioned. I remember when my sister wanted to go for hair extensions, hearing about all the extensions that went wrong made us afraid. Thankfully we were able to find a good cosmetologist in Islamabad.

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Common Hair Extension Myths

No matter if you just feel tempted towards it or want to get a hair extension for a social event, there is always a right way to get these. Knowing the facts behind hair extension myths can be a great help so here I am sharing some of these myths to help you to make an informed decision regarding the procedure. 

1- Hair extensions can damage your hair

In most cases, it is considered that using hair extensions can be a cause of hair damage while the truth is contrary to that. This is merely a myth and wearing extensions can’t damage your hair if worn properly. The fact is that if your hair extensions are applied correctly, they won’t be causing any hair damage if applied correctly. So, it is always better to visit a cosmetologist for the procedure.

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2- It is difficult to maintain hair extensions

Hair extensions require proper care after applying. You can take care of your hair extensions on your own and you don’t need any professional help on a daily basis. It is quite easy to take care of your hair extensions if you know the right procedure. Thus, it is always better to consult your cosmetologist about regular hair extension care once you visit them for application purposes. So, taking care of your hair extension can absolutely be a stress-free experience and you can do it on your own without damaging your hair.

3- Hair in hair extensions are of animal origin

When it comes to hair extension, the source of hair strands in extension is always questioned. Many people believe that these hairs come from animal sources but, however, that’s merely a myth. Sources of hair extensions can be different and depending upon the quality of hair extensions, these can come from animal origin or can be synthetic hair. So, you don’t need to worry about the source of hair extensions and you can get one of your choices easily from the market. 

4- You can’t work out properly with wearing your hair extension

This is another popular misconception about hair extensions. It is often believed that it is really impossible to work out at the gym if you are wearing the extension, However, the truth behind these claims is quite different. If you wear it correctly, you can perform all your daily life activities including a workout at the gym etc. You just need the right tools and products to make your hair extension work well while working out at the gym.

5- Hair extensions hinder your natural hair growth

Many people believe that wearing hair extensions can be the one cause that can affect their natural hair growth. Many people use these extensions as a fix to their limited hair growth but that doesn’t mean that they won’t be able to grow their hair properly if they wear extensions. Your hair will grow normally even if you are wearing hair extensions so that’s merely a myth that you shouldn’t believe. 

Bottom Line!

Hair extensions are a popular hair trend alongside  many others. Many people wear these or feel tempted towards wearing them. No matter for what reason you wear hair extensions, it can be quite difficult to make a decision regarding it. A recommended way to get rid of the problems associated with hair transplants is to visit a cosmetologist. 

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Jhon Grew
Jhon Grew
Jhon Grew is a freelance writer who offers to ghostwrite, copywriting, and blogging services. She works closely with B2C and B2B businesses providing digital marketing content that gains social media attention and increases their search engine visibility Prizechecker. com newztalkies.com Recifest

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