Ideal Image Reviews: Members Share Why They Went With a Lifetime Membership

A person may decide they want laser hair removal and other aesthetic services for various reasons. Some are ready for a total makeover. Others have lost weight and suddenly discover droopy jowls and wrinkles. Then there are the women (and, men!) trying to look their best for an upcoming wedding or major class reunion. Whatever brings you to the point where you are researching options, here’s what you need to know about Ideal Image, a national brand that has clinics throughout the U.S. and Canada.

If you’re one of the many people ready to turn back the clock with more than one service, here’s what clients are saying about a Lifetime Membership with Ideal Image.

Why Clients Choose an Ideal Image Lifetime Membership

The number one reason people choose a national aesthetics brand with decades of experience is that they want a provider that has a reputation for excellence. Price, for many, is also a major factor in driving their decisions on whom to trust with their image. Here are two reasons clients choose a lifetime membership with the #1 national aesthetics brand, Ideal Image.

Number One: Science-Proven Service & Variety

It is more convenient (and more economical) to get all your services from the same professional staff. With a Lifetime Membership, clients have access to everything from laser hair removal and medical facials to muscle toning, such as CoolTone™ Muscle Toning and skin tightening treatments.

According to the brand’s website, a 30-minute CoolTone™ Muscle Toning treatment produces results equivalent to doing 20,000 situps. And, it only takes 30 minutes, so you can get treatment on your lunch break! You’ll likely feel changes sooner, but visible results are typically seen about a month after your last treatment.

Other services provided by the nurses and professional technicians include:

  • Injectable fillers, such as Restylane® & Voluma®, are used to plump up cheeks and minimize wrinkles.
  • IPL Photofacial treatments (Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy) address sun damage, age spots and other age-related issues with short pulses of light that brighten your skin and replace the dull appearance with a youthful glow.
  • Ultherapy® is a non-surgical face lift. This therapy utilizes ultrasound technology to stimulate natural collagen production and lifting, tightening and smoothing skin. Maximum visible results are usually seen within two to six months. Clients’ Ideal Image reviews praise this procedure for eliminating flabby neck issues.

Shannon P. from Omaha has accessed therapies for her lips, cheeks and forehead. She also chose both Ultherapy® for her chin and CoolSculpting® technology for skin tightening and muscle toning. She raved:

“I am looking 20 years younger. Today I’m getting Ultherapy on my chin and in two weeks cool sculpting. I have not felt this great about myself since my 20s. . . Great staff and excellent professional natural work.”

Number Two: Huge Discounts & Free Touch-Ups

Lifetime membership comes with some awesome benefits — and huge savings compared to most fee-for-service brand pricing. Take laser hair removal. With Ideal Image, clients get a free laser hair removal treatment and 75 percent off your first purchase under the plan. Plus, the Lifetime Guarantee means all touch-up appointments after your treatment is complete come with a 90 percent discount.

VIP pricing as a member also offers deep discounts. There are very attractive discounts for CoolSculpting® Body Shaping and CoolTone™ Muscle Toning therapies, Botox® and injectable fillers, medical skincare products and facials.

Testimonials & Ideal Image Reviews Praise the Brand for Fixing Lifelong Issues

While looking through Ideal Image reviews and testimonials online, this author came across a video published by Dipped in Pretty. She contacted the brand for help in getting rid of hairs on her neck and the sores and scars that came with non-medically induced hirsutism. She started with an online video consultation, which she said was “super easy.” This client chose membership because the plan included touch-ups should any hair return. She said she noticed the results immediately, but full results required several treatments.

As far as pain, she said she has a really low pain threshold, but the treatments were short — about 10 minutes — and the pain was tolerable. She said that the first treatments slowed down the growth, but her fourth or fifth treatment eliminated hair growth and removed some of her scars. Bottom line — she said she would definitely recommend the Ideal Image service.

If you’re looking for a permanent hair removal solution and want the best price possible, check out Ideal Image Lifetime Membership options.

Anshu Dev: Internet trailblazer. Travel ninja. Social media evangelist. Incurable explorer. Subtly charming organizer. Tv scholar. Alcohol geek. Certified creator.

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