I’m Right on Top of a Rose


I`m right on top of the rose

Don’t I look happy? I am. I’m always happy because I have myself and I’m content with that. Sure, I don’t have a lot in my life – but what’s there is enough for me to be thankful for every day.

It doesn’t matter if I don’t own anything or if I can barely afford my rent this month; it’s just so easy to find joy when you’re in tune with who you are as an individual. I just have to focus on what I can do for myself and I’m happy. I know I look pretty stupid with my big grin, but that’s all right – I don’t care! I’m not going anywhere so it doesn’t matter if I smile or if I frown.

What matters is the awareness of who you are in this world and I’m happy I know who I am.

I love being me.

I love being I.

And I’m happy to be right on top of the rose, content with my life as it is – I don’t think I’ll ever not be happy until I die and that’s okay!

I just want everyone else in this world to know they’re alright too- all these people who are so down about their lives. I want them to know they’re not alone and I hope I can help make that happen with this blog post.

I’m right on top of the rose, content in my life as it is – and I don’t think I’ll ever not be happy until I die! And that’s okay because we all need a break from being happy sometimes, I just want everyone else in this world to know they’re alright too- all these people who are so down about their lives. I want them to know they’re not alone and I hope I can help make that happen with this blog post!

This is one of the reasons why I started writing on my old blog because we can all use someone to talk to who understands. I know I can’t be the only one in this world that feels like I do sometimes, even though I’m right on top of a rose!

I have always been afraid of being vulnerable and opening up about my feelings because I thought it would just make me seem weak or fragile but these people I talked to I realized I wasn’t the only one who felt this way.

I want them to know they’re not alone and I hope I can help make that happen with this blog post!

Although my life is a lot happier now than it was before, there are still days where I feel like I’m on top of the world but I’m actually buried beneath it. I want to help others who are feeling the same way and I hope I can do that with my blog post!

I have a lot of other things I would like to talk about in this blog, so if you’re interested then go ahead and subscribe for updates or follow me on social media because I will be releasing more blog posts in the future!

I’m not one for writing many words but I just wanted to let you know I’m a human too. I have my bad days, I feel hopeless and I don’t always like the person I am. But then there are those good days when I want to scream from the rooftops that this is me! This is what it’s all about!

Then I want to be.

I hope I can help you on your journey too, I’m not alone and I never will be!

Erin Here I am, I`m right on top of the rose. I know it’s not a lot and I don’t want to hurt you by writing much more but I just wanted to tell my story in case anyone else is feeling hopeless today too! You’re never alone because we all have that time where we feel like everything sucks. I just want to show you I’m here and I always will be. The I that I am, then I hope to become.

I think we all need a little reminder of times when things were good sometimes! So if you’re feeling down today or ever in your life, know there is so much more than this one moment! I hope I can help you on your journey too, I’m not alone and I never will be!


In the end, I want to say yes. Yes, we are all different and that’s ok because it makes us special and unique in our own ways. It doesn’t matter what anyone says or does because, in the end, I will always be me. I am my own person and I’m proud of that!

Riya Singh:

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