What is on top of your head?

man, portrait, hairstyle @ Pixabay

It’s a question that has been asked since the dawn of time: what is on top of your head? The answer, as you might have guessed, is hair. But it’s not just any type of hair – we’re talking about head hair. And in this blog post, we’ll be going over everything there is to know about head hair and why it can sometimes seem like an unruly beast.

Head hair is one of the most important parts of our body. It’s what protects us from UV rays, and it can also help to regulate temperature. But with head hair comes a whole host of problems – mainly tangles, dandruff, and dry skin caused by clogged pores. That’s why we’re going to go over a few tips and tricks for keeping your head hair in tip-top shape.

First, let’s talk about tangles: these can be caused by anything from a lack of moisture to not combing wet hair after washing it. If you notice that your head is constantly sore or tender due to the constant pulling of tangled strands on top of your head, it’s time to take a break from combing. Your head is telling you that your hair needs more moisture than you’re giving it at the moment.

Second, let’s talk about dandruff: this can be caused by an overproduction of sebum on top of your scalp which dries out and clogs pores underneath the surface of the skin. This leads to flakes which are often confused for dry scalp, but in reality, are just your head’s natural way of exfoliating itself. That being said, this can be prevented with a good head lice treatment such as LiceMD because it kills both eggs and lives parasites before they ever have a chance to breed or feed.

woman, blonde, look @ Pixabay

Your head is at the top of your body and it’s important to give it some love by giving it a break from combing, replenishing moisture with natural oils like jojoba or coconut oil, and making sure you have checked for lice! Now that you know what is on top of your head, we hope this post has helped you to take pride in your head and given a little more love!

Your head produces sebum which dries out and clogs pores causing flaking skin. This can be prevented with a LiceMD treatment that kills both eggs and lives lice before they ever have a chance to breed or feed.

To prevent head lice, use LiceMD because it kills both eggs and lives parasites before they ever have a chance to breed or feed.

Head lice can be prevented by using treatments like LiceMD that kill both eggs and live parasites before they ever have the chance to get on your head.

LiceMD is a topical treatment that kills both eggs and lives lice before they ever have the chance to get onto someone’s head, so you can avoid them altogether with one application!

What are some of the top causes for concern on your head?

If it’s an itch or pain, head lice may be your culprit. Head louse infestations are not only difficult and time-consuming to get rid of, but they can also spread throughout the school system or family quickly if left untreated.

head, swimming, man @ Pixabay

What is on top of your head?

If you’re scratching an itch, it could mean that there’s a possibility you have a head louse crawling around on your head.

Head lice infestations are not only difficult and time-consuming to get rid of, but they can also spread throughout the school system or family quickly if left untreated. In fact, head lice is one of the most common types of communicable diseases in children with as many as 20% experiencing an infestation before adulthood.

The head is a popular place for lice to hide, feed and lay eggs. Lice are most commonly found on the top of the head near the hairline or at the crown where it meets with other hairs that form part of a cowlick. But they can also be found in eyebrows, eyelashes, beards, mustaches, and pubic hair.

Riya Singh:

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