Follow This IBPS PO Preparation Strategy to Get Guaranteed Results!

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To crack IBPS PO in the first attempt, candidates must give at least a year for its preparation and will need to work harder than others to get a good score in IBPS PO results. Candidates should make a study plan for the exam and follow it religiously to study the syllabus. These tips and tricks to qualify IBPS PO exam will be of help during the preparation-

Get Familiar with the IBPS PO Exam Pattern 2020

The first step to make a study plan for IBPS PO 2020 should be getting to know the exam pattern. This will allow them to know what to expect from the exam and how to plan the schedule for studying for the exam. The candidates must also know the IBPS PO exam dates of each of the three phases-

  • Prelims
  • Mains
  • Interview.

Make a study plan

Candidates should make a personalized study plan for themselves and follow it with complete dedication. It is seen most of the time that candidates start with their preparation just one or two months before the exam. The practice is the key to success and candidates must give most of their time to their preparation. The candidates should prepare for a year to easily pass the IBPS PO exam in the first attempt itself. Candidates should allot 2-3 study hours for Aptitude and Reasoning topic and 1-2 hours in English preparation.

Understand the basics

Understanding the basics of each topic is a crucial point that will improve your score. Understanding the basics will boost the preparation process. It will also make studying more interesting. Candidates that have the clarity of concepts will be able to attempt questions from all the topics. However, if the basics concepts are weak, no matter how much effort they might put in, it will not be helpful in their preparation.

Attempt mock tests

Attempting mock tests help in boosting confidence. It will allow the candidates to realize their strengths and weaknesses. It will also help the candidates in increasing their speed and accuracy. Having the ability to solve questions fast with minimal or no mistakes will improve your chances of successfully clearing the exam with ease and this can only be achieved after a lot of practice.

Solve previous years IBPS PO question papers

It is important to solve previous years’ question papers to crack the IBPS PO exam in the first attempt. It will help in giving you an idea of question patterns, question paper trends, and important questions for the exam. By solving question papers, candidates get to know their weak areas so that they can focus on them accordingly. 

Time management

Time management is an important factor in any exam preparation. Each section must be completed within a given time. To achieve this, candidates should treat the previous year question paper and mock tests solving sessions as the actual exam and keep track of how much time each section has taken them to complete. Thus, candidates will get to attempt all the sections in time.

Prepare short notes and revise

Candidates should make short notes of important topics, formulas, and shortcuts. They can use these notes for revision before the exam. Making short notes will save their time during the revision as they will be able to remember the topics without going through them again. 

Here we come to the end of the strategy to follow to start with the exam preparation. Hope you will follow these tips and tricks while preparing for the IBPS PO exam and it will help you tremendously while you give your actual exam.

Anshu Dev: Internet trailblazer. Travel ninja. Social media evangelist. Incurable explorer. Subtly charming organizer. Tv scholar. Alcohol geek. Certified creator.

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