Reasons Why Traditional Schooling Can’t Prepare Students for the Modern Workplace

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There is no way you can compare workplaces now and a couple of years back. Things are changing, and technology is improving at high speed. Many people are scared for their positions due to the rapid growth of technology. A vast number of Americans already know that 50 years to come, things will be different. Robots and computers will replace humans in place working like many students prefer to buy dissertations online instead of doing it all night long. It is not delightful, but that is the reality. Numerous shifts will take place a few years to come; many employers will be looking for new skills more than anything.

Most of the kids starting school will settle for careers that are yet to get invented. Will the kids manage to succeed and take on the new jobs? If the education system shifts for the best, then kids will be in a better place. Some schools are trying as much as possible to transition the system to a more personalized model that can provide the best education to every learner. Personalized learning is favorable because it concentrates more on the interests and passion of each student. It makes students better because they get to do what they love and want to secure their future. Most of the schools are still following the traditional way that has little to offer to the children.

Students have to use desks, teachers come to teach specific syllabus, and when they get done, they give students assignments. The procedure goes on and on until schools close. The traditional way does not consider the current generation because there is nothing new to learn. There are many things that learners have to know for them to be ready for the outside world. They need to have skills that will help them secure jobs quickly. Many opportunities are yet to get introduced. They should get prepared. Numerous study shows that learners will need to come together for them to solve issues and they also have to be very creative. They have to do all they can to equip themselves with different skills and have all those; they will have to consider self-directed learning.


There is nothing that makes a company successful other than working together. Workers should have collaboration skills so that they can deal with problems efficiently without wasting time. If people share ideas, mistakes are always minimal. The traditional system does not help students improve their collaboration skills. When teachers get students asking something in class, they are punished and termed as noisemakers. There is no way the gift can improve when learners are silent. Denying learners to communicate in class is a big mistake because it will fail them in the future.

 Most of the workplaces prefer people to come together and talk. Talking helps people gain different ideas daily. If you do not communicate with other people, there is no way you will know anything. Personalized learning gives students the best experience because they are free to do whatever they want. It makes students work on projects together and also find solutions whenever they experience any problem. Personalized learning will change the lives of students in different ways when it comes to the future.

Anshu Dev: Internet trailblazer. Travel ninja. Social media evangelist. Incurable explorer. Subtly charming organizer. Tv scholar. Alcohol geek. Certified creator.

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