8 items every bride-to-be needs: A short guide


A bride desires a perfect wedding and works hard to ensure nothing goes off-track. However, planning a wedding can get overwhelming. The couple and a few trusted people have so much to do. From picking the best venue to finding the dream wedding dress, all require attention to detail. In doing all this, the bride may miss a few things she undoubtedly needs for her wedding functions, like a bride’s robe. The big things are easy to remember and buy. However, the small things you miss out on can create havoc on the wedding day.

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You might skip or miss a meal on your wedding day due to multiple things. First, this can make you hungry before the wedding ceremony and lead you to eat anything you get your hands on. Now, you want to avoid getting sick either by eating or waiting till the reception starts because not eating can make you tired. Thus, pack a snack box for yourself. It can have nuts, seeds, a protein bar, and a chocolate bar to help with nausea.

To ensure your wedding goes smoothly, here is a list of things a bride should pack in her bag. Let’s look at them now.

A bride robe

The first thing in your survival or wedding kit should be a bride’s robe. It is an essential piece of clothing you will wear as a bride during makeup and getting your hair styled. Moreover, you and your bridesmaids can all wear robes, you in a white bridal robe and the bridesmaids in a different colored robe, and click pictures. It will be a fantastic memory to hold on to, and a day before the wedding, you can have fun and chill in your robes. So, find the best bridal robe now.

Have a snack box ready for the big day

You might skip or miss a meal on your wedding day due to multiple things. First, this can make you hungry before the wedding ceremony and lead you to eat anything you get your hands on. Now, you want to avoid getting sick either by eating or waiting till the reception starts because not eating can make you tired. Thus, pack a snack box for yourself. It can have nuts, seeds, a protein bar, and a chocolate bar to help with nausea.

A double-layered silk mask

The pandemic is still lurking in the corner and can become severe anytime. Therefore, brides might have to wear a mask in the ceremony. Even if you don’t, it’s best to have one on you. This way, if you need to, you get to wear a mask that goes with your dress and is perfect. Otherwise, you will have to do an available one, and the chances of it ruining your dress are high.

Different varieties of footwear

You can handpick a few footwear pieces for your wedding day. You might want to head into the wedding wearing comfortable yet chic heels that go with the dress. (Even though it probably won’t be visible) Next, you want elegant heels that you can wear with your reception dress but are also comfortable enough to dance in. Also, have sneakers ready to change when the pain from dancing in heels becomes too much. Make sure you pack them in a bag and carry them with you to the wedding venue. ( A trusted bridesmaid or family member can keep it safe.).

Hair and makeup products

Yes, a professional will come to do your hair and makeup. But they will not sit through the entire wedding and will touch up if necessary. Therefore, have the essentials, like the powder, lipstick, setting spray, and so on, with you. This will help you if you need to touch up.

Gum or breath mints

It would be best if you had these always to have minty fresh breath. Eating or drinking at the wedding can give your mouth an odor, and you wouldn’t like your breath to smell during your first kiss. Right? So, have breath mints and gum in your purse.


Always have a few medicines in your emergency bag. These include medicines for headaches, acidity, and painkillers. Also, have a few bandaids on hand to cover up any scratches you get from your footwear.

Portable steamer

No matter how careful you are, wedding dresses can get wrinkled. Keep a portable steamer with you to get those creases out in no time.

 This list will allow you to have a stress-free wedding. Double-check everything and have a planner to list everything you need on the wedding day. This way, you will have everything you need without stressing out.

Anshu Dev: Internet trailblazer. Travel ninja. Social media evangelist. Incurable explorer. Subtly charming organizer. Tv scholar. Alcohol geek. Certified creator.

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