Realm of the Gods Tier List

The realm of the god’s tier list is a comprehensive listing of all playable gods, sorted by their respective power level. It’s an invaluable resource for players looking to find out who they should play and why. To make things easier on our readers, we’ve decided to include a few videos from Youtube that go over some of the more popular picks. These are meant as quick guides for people new to Smite or just wanting some pointers!

The Gods: As seen here on our realm of the god’s tier list-Agni is one of the most popular picks for beginners and pros alike! He has a lot of burst potential, but also a lot of error. He’s not too strong or weak against any particular gods either-Thoth is a mage who seems like he should only be played as one if you’re new to the game! But in reality, his kit lends itself really well to an assassin role and this video will tell you how that works step by step for players just getting into Smite.

The god’s tier list is:

1. Agni:

medium difficulty to play, but low damage output. He’s considered a mage because he has a lot of CC and utility in his kit. Good against assassins like Loki or Thor that rely on burst damage. Not very good against tanks with large amounts of health like Cabrakan or Erlang Shen due to his low damage output.

medium difficulty to play, but high burst potential and a lot of AOE abilities that have short range. His kit lends itself really well for assassins. He’s considered one of the best gods you can pick if your team has more than one mage at this tier because he does not scale very well with items or levels.

high difficulty to play, he is very squishy and has low mobility. He’s considered a mid layer because of his lack of range outside the realm so best played at close ranges – this means that if your team comp doesn’t have issues with assassins then Vulcan would be great for you as well!

2. Thoth

easy to play, very safe. He’s considered one of the best gods you can pick if your team doesn’t have any other mages at this tier – but he is countered hard by assassins like Mercury or Xbalanque.

medium difficulty to play with good lane synergy and a lot of AOE abilities that scale well with items or levels. He’s considered a top layer if your team comp has low mobility and is at risk of getting ganked by assassins like Mercury or Xbalanque

hard difficult to play that requires good lane synergy but he does not need an assist from the jungle because he can heal himself with his abilities. If your team comp has high mobility he is considered one of the best gods you can pick!

high mobility, good at getting kills and escaping with her stealth but she lacks damage without items, so it’s hard to make your enemy fear you in the early stages of the game. However, if countered well by high CC gods or assassins then Isis will be one of the top picks for an assassin build comp.

good at getting kills and escapes but he can’t do much in the early stages of the game without items. He requires an assist from jungle to be really effective in team fights because his passive scales with level, not gold, so if your enemy counters him well then you may want to reconsider picking Osiris for a late-game comp.

3. Anubis

good at staying alive in the early game, but struggles to do much during late-game without items. He can be countered by high CC gods such as Odin and Ah Muzen Cab easily if he is not able to get off a successful ultimate. One of his best strengths is that he does well against hunters because of his ability to root and deal high damage to them.

good at getting kills, but he has a hard time staying alive because his passive scales with level, not gold so if your enemy counters him well then you may want to reconsider picking Anubis for an early game comp.

4. Thor

Thor is a god that can turn games around. The difference between Thor being on your team and the enemy’s team could be game-changing. He has a good early game but struggles to do much late game because of how well his abilities scale with level rather than gold like most other gods in Smite. Still though he will always be a powerful choice.

Thor is very good at dealing high amounts of damage to the enemy team’s backline and can easily take them out, as well as being able to clear waves with ease late game because of his aggressive playstyle. He will always be an influential god in your comp if he isn’t banned so you should consider picking him.

Thor is a great pick for comps with strong early game gods like Anubis or Fenrir because he can help them out and they will be able to carry him in the late game, which was shown when Thor was picked by Team Dignitas at Worlds 2017 against Fenerbahce Esports where his ultimates would not kill targets alone but could be combined with other gods in the team for more damage.

He can also carry a game by himself if played correctly, as shown when he was picked up at Worlds 2017 against Fenerbahce Esports where his ultimates would not kill targets alone but could be combined with other gods in the team for more damage.

Riya Singh:

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