Ravishing red rose wedding bouquets

bouquet, bouquet of roses, roses @ Pixabay

The red color is associated with love, intimacy, passion, joy, and celebrations. It is a color linked with all things bright and lovely whether it is pleasure, happiness, grace, charm or all in one. Because red roses are the global symbol of love, red rose bridal bouquets can be the ideal complement to your wedding outfit and day. But usually, brides hesitate to have a bridal bouquet of red roses. They may be considering it a casual floral bouquet that looks no special on a wedding day.

Sola wood red wedding roses:

The most classic emblem of passionate love is red flowers. If you’re getting married on Valentine’s Day—or any day, there isn’t a more appropriate flower for your bouquet than the red rose. To give your wedding a rich, luxurious, regal atmosphere, you can use sola wood red roses. 

Though sola wood flowers are faux blooms, their durability, variety, and affordability make sola wood flowers the go-to flowers only for those women who wish to bring a sense of everlasting grandeur to their wedding.

If you’re looking for a uniquely customized bridal bouquet, a bouquet with personalized wooden roses should be your first option. Here are few phenomenal red rose bridal bouquet options for brides. Choose the one you like most for your wedding celebrations: 

  • Just Roses & that’s all!

The red color is a complete world in itself. With red roses, you don’t need any other color and extras embellishments. A red bridal bouquet with sola wood roses is simply wonderful on its own and creates a unique look.

  • Red with refreshing green!

If you want just red roses, don’t want to add some other color flowers, but need a fresh touch of green then don’t hesitate to add fresh green leaves to your bridal bouquet. It will provide so clean and lovely look to your sola wood bridal bouquet and add a more natural touch to it.

  • An eternal combination of red and white!

A bouquet of red and white sola wood flowers is really basic yet lovely combination. Use a ravishing bouquet of crimson color but understate it with small white flowers complimenting it all the way around. A few white flowers and beads added to the bouquet might be the ideal finishing touch to match your bridal attire. It will surely look elegant and graceful, and make the red roses pop even more! This is an excellent choice for red rose bridal bouquets.

  • Embellished and enchanted red!

Sometimes not only red flowers are enough for a bridal bouquet, but also crystals, beads, and other decorations are required to make a sola wood red rose bridal bouquet even more attractive and unique.  It draws attention to the decorations while still making a bold statement!

If you want to add more flairs then what about having a bridal bouquet with a long flowing trail, just like your gown! Flowing red rose bridal bouquets have a certain appeal and make an excellent wedding statement.

  • Only the shades of red!

A cascading bouquet with having personalized wooden roses in a variety of shades of red will add drama and joy. Allow it to cascade down like a waterfall, adding color and charm to your bridal outfit and appearance.


Red rose bridal bouquets have their own distinct appeal, and while all flowers are wonderful and exquisite, there is something about a red rose that is unrivalled

Anshu Dev: Internet trailblazer. Travel ninja. Social media evangelist. Incurable explorer. Subtly charming organizer. Tv scholar. Alcohol geek. Certified creator.

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