How to Launder Jeans: Tricks You Did Not Know

Source: Unsplash

Jeans are an absolute essential in every person’s wardrobe, and comfortable jeans are already an investment! You cannot buy a comfortable and durable pair at a low price. Jeans are the staple of your closet. 

It is your go-to item, and you know how you look good while wearing your favorite jeans. Jeans fit and look good with almost any outfit you want to pull off, but they also demand special attention and care to endure and look new.

Wash and Dry Jeans

Jeans need special care and attention from their owner, which is fair enough as they are expensive. As you want to enjoy more of your favorite jeans for years, good laundry and care are the keys to a longer jeans life. Follow the following steps to keep your jeans good-looking.

  1. Check the fabric wash label on the jeans. Ensure that you have checked the wash label instructions on the jeans before washing them. Do not laundry your jeans along with other garments to avoid color bleeding or dye transfers.
  2. Turn the jeans inside-out. Before you place your jeans inside the washing machine, turn them inside-out.
  3. Use cold water and safe laundry detergent for jeans. Most jeans are best washed with cold water. Check the wash care label of your jeans if it’s best with cold water. Use safe laundry detergents to maintain the quality of your favorite jeans. Safe detergents will protect your jeans from discoloration and fades, and it will improve the quality of your jeans by trimming stray fibers.
  4. Dry your jeans. Follow the best way to dry your jeans on the fabric care label. Do not let the jeans become fully dry. Remove the jeans out of the drying machine while they are slightly damp. Smoothen and straighten the jeans into shape and have them dry on a hanger or a flat surface.

Hand Wash Jeans

If there’s no available washing machine or you prefer not to wash them in the machine, you can wash your favorite jeans by hand. Washing by hand is preferred for jeans with embroidered details, beads, or if you are worried about color bleeding. 

  1. Check the care instructions of your jeans. Note what should be or should not be done when washing them.
  2. Fill in the tub or sink with water. Check on the fabric label the optimum temperature and run the right amount of water to soak your jeans.
  3. Add the right amount of laundry detergent to the water. Do not add an abundant amount of detergent, and it will damage your jeans.
  4. Place your jeans. Swish your jeans around the water. Use your hands to move them around the water for about 2 minutes.
  5. Soak your jeans for 15 to 30 minutes. Leave your jeans in the water for a good clean.
  6. Drain the dirty water. Fill up the tub or sink again. After you have removed the dirty water and fill the tub again, leave the jeans soaked in clean water for 10 minutes. Swish and move the jeans around to remove any excess dirt or detergent.
  7. Remove excess water. Drain the water by rolling, folding, and squeezing any leftover or excess water out. Do not wring your jeans.
  8. Dry jeans. Follow the instructions on the wash label about how you should dry your jeans. Take the jeans out while it’s slightly damp. Over-drying them causes jeans to shrink and dry out.

Lastly, avoid cramming the washer and dryer. Before you put the jeans inside, check for stains, missing buttons, and more. Your jeans should be tumble clean and dry.  

Although properly washing your jeans is an easy task to do, there are moments when we caught up with work and other more significant responsibilities. If you cannot do the laundry by yourself, you can hire laundry services. Most laundry services like Liox Laundry offer laundry pickup and delivery. These laundry services are proven experts in the field.  

Myths About Jeans Care

There are a few myths about jeans care that needs to be clarified. 

  1. Freezing the Jeans Will Kill Bacteria and Germs – FALSE

Even though the cold temperature inside the freezer will kill some of the germs and bacteria, in reality, most of the bacteria or germs come from your body. Once the jeans are taken out of the fridge, it will go back. Moreover, if you place your jeans inside the refrigerator, you expose the foods inside the refrigerator to bacterias.

  1. NEVER Place Jeans inside the Dryer – FALSE 

Jeans are easily stretched out and if you want to help have their shape back, place them in the dryer for a quick minute. Read the fabric label first before removing the jeans when the jeans are still a bit damp to prevent creases.

  1. Wear Jeans In the Bathtub to Ensure a Perfect Fit – FALSE

To be honest, this practice is wasting your time. Although jeans are specifically made to shrink and perfectly fit your body, soaking them before wearing them does not make sense.

  1. Only Wash Your Jeans Sparingly – TRUE

If you want to maintain the shape and condition of your jeans, always wash your jeans inside-out. Use cold water and gentle formulated laundry detergent. Do the washing sparingly. The abrasive agitation from the washer can wear down the fabric over time and lessen the life of your jeans.

How to Store Jeans

Aside from knowing how to launder jeans properly, you should also know how to store them the right way– hang your jeans. A secret to preserve the wear of jeans between wash is to turn them when you are not wearing them. Hanging the jeans will help its fibers recover from the stress and stretch.

Final Thoughts

If it is your first time to wash jeans, give them the care and attention to make them last. The best way to launder your jeans is by hand and do it sparingly. After you have washed your jeans, make sure to dry and store them properly. If you have no time to take care of your clothes, let the experts do it. There are several reliable laundry services you can hire.

Radhe Gupta: Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. I believe that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays.

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