How to Achieve More Comfortable Shoes



Ensuring that your shoes fit properly is crucial for ensuring comfort and avoiding discomfort or pain. The most effective way to achieve this is by selecting the right size and width of shoes. While this may seem like a given, it is surprising to note that a considerable percentage of adults wear shoes that do not fit correctly. In fact, research has shown that over fifty percent of adults wear shoes in the wrong length or width. Find the best fitting shoes at the OrthoticShop.

To ensure the best fit and comfort, it’s worth taking the time to measure your feet and determine your correct shoe size. Even if you have measured your feet in the past, it’s possible for your feet to change over time due to various factors, making it beneficial to check again.


If you’re looking for ways to make your shoes more comfortable while working out or when in warm and humid climates, moisture-wicking socks are an excellent option. Unlike cotton and wool socks that absorb sweat and moisture, moisture-wicking socks help to keep your feet dry by pulling moisture away from your skin.

Moisture-wicking socks are designed to transfer moisture away from your feet and towards the outer layers of the sock. They are typically made from synthetic materials that prevent sweat and moisture buildup inside your shoes. Some moisture-wicking socks are even treated with agents that help fight odor-causing bacteria.


One unconventional way to make your uncomfortable shoes more comfortable is to use deodorant on your feet. Antiperspirants have the ability to block sweat ducts, absorb moisture, and reduce body odor, making them a useful tool in combating discomfort. Applying underarm deodorant on your feet can help avoid slippages and chafing, which in turn reduces the risk of developing uncomfortable foot conditions such as blisters and others.

When it comes to using deodorant to make your shoes more comfortable, powdered formulas are often more effective than gels. Baby powder is a popular option, as it can be dusted all over your foot’s surface to keep it dry and reduce rubbing.


It’s important to give yourself a gradual break-in period when you purchase new shoes. This applies even if they are comfortable podiatrist-designed orthotic shoes like those from Vionic. Resist the temptation to wear them for extended periods right away, for example, to work, formal events, or on vacation. We suggest wearing them for short periods of time initially, gradually increasing the duration as your feet become accustomed to the new shoes.

If you have a new pair of shoes for a special occasion such as a wedding or another event, it’s important to break them in beforehand to ensure maximum comfort on the big day. One way to do this is by wearing them around your home for short periods of time before the big day. If you’re looking for a quick way to break in shoes, try wearing a pair of thick socks to speed up the process.

Do your feet feel sore after a long day at work due to stiff or tight footwear? One effective way to alleviate this is to bring along an extra pair of comfortable shoes to change into halfway through the day. This can help give your feet a break and reduce discomfort.


If you’re looking to break in new shoes or simply stretch out a pair that feels a bit too tight, consider using shoe stretchers. These handy gadgets can expand the material of flats, loafers, dress shoes, pumps, or leather sneakers. While it’s important to let your shoes conform to the natural shape of your foot over time, using a shoe stretcher can help speed up the process.


If you want to quickly break in new leather shoes or boots, try using a blow dryer. Slip them on and hold the hairdryer 8 to 10 inches away from the material. Direct the hot air toward the areas that feel tight, stiff, or uncomfortable.

After blasting your shoes with the blow dryer for a few moments, walk around your home and wear them standing up for a little while to allow the softened leather to conform to the shape of your feet. This method works well for various types of shoes including full-grain leather, suede, and patent leather shoes, and can quickly make your shoes more comfortable for the first time you wear them out and about. It’s also a convenient solution when you’re short on time.


If you want to make your shoes more comfortable for standing, there are several hacks you can try. One of the easiest and most cost-effective solutions is to tape your toes together. This trick can help alleviate some of the pain associated with wearing high heels or heeled booties, as it takes the pressure off the ball of your foot where many nerves are connected. Taping your third and fourth toes together can be particularly helpful. You can use any type of tape, but athletic tape or masking tape are recommended.

Anshu Dev: Internet trailblazer. Travel ninja. Social media evangelist. Incurable explorer. Subtly charming organizer. Tv scholar. Alcohol geek. Certified creator.
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