Should Women Over 50 Take a Daily Probiotic?


Probiotics are good bacteria and yeast that naturally live in your body. They are called good bacteria because they help to keep your body balanced by fighting off the bad bacteria. They can also help in the digestion of food and creating vitamins and minerals that can impact your body in a positive way. They also line the gut to prevent bad bacteria from getting into your bloodstream.

For example, if you are unwell because of bad bacteria, the good bacteria come in to restore balance in the body so that you can get better. There are many health benefits associated with probiotics.

However, should women over 50 take a daily probiotic?

The answer is a big yes. Probiotics are great for women’s health. There are many health benefits that women over 50 can get by taking a daily probiotic. This is a time when women start menopause and therefore less production of estrogen. Less estrogen affects various systems in the body including the probiotics and may cause the gut to be unhealthy. An unhealthy gut will have diarrhea, inflammation, constipation, and irritable bowel.

Just make sure to consult with your doctor before taking the probiotics, especially if you have a preexisting condition or you are pregnant. There are foods rich in probiotics such as yogurt, and fermented foods such as kimchi, raw cheese, buttermilk, raw milk, and kefir. Also, it is available in form of supplements.

To be effective, you should take the supplement daily since they don’t have negative effects.

With all these, probiotics can be of great help not only to the gut but other health problems. These include;

Reduce The Effects of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Sadly, the condition is more common in women.

However, daily intake of probiotics can help to stabilize bowel function and reduce the effects of the symptoms. They may not start to work right away, but you should get results in a few weeks.

The good bacteria in probiotics help in the digestion of food and therefore prevent most of the IBS symptoms, which is a relief to most women suffering.

Helps To Deal with Yeast Infections

Women over 50 are prone to yeast infections or inflammation of the vagina because of reduced estrogen caused by menopause. Reduced estrogen affects the presence of probiotics, which can cause an imbalance in the PH, yeast, and bacteria. You can get infections such as bacterial vaginosis.

However, taking a daily probiotic can help to prevent infections. Lactobacillus is known to treat vaginal infections such as yeast and bacterial infections.

Nevertheless, probiotics should not be used as a form of treatment for those women with recurrent vaginal yeast infections.

Reduce Bladder Infections

A reduction in the production of estrogen in menopause can increase bladder infections given that the presence of probiotics is also reduced. This causes harmful bacteria to grow and cause infections such as candida Albicans and E. coli.

However, a healthy microbiome can help to increase the resistance to bladder infections.

How do you get a healthy microbiome? By taking probiotics. These contain lactobacilli, which ensure that the bladder has a healthy microbiome, and in turn prevent bladder infections. The probiotics balance the good and bad bacteria around your urethra and vagina and therefore prevent harmful bacteria from causing infections.

Balance Antibiotics

Do you have anti-biotic-associated diarrhea? Well, you could get diarrhea if you take antibiotics, whether for throat infections, sinus, or bronchitis.

However, these symptoms are preventable, if you take a probiotic when taking antibiotics.

For Mental Health and Sleep

Imagine you are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, has a vaginal infection, and have a UTI. Well, you won’t have peace and you are likely to be moody and irritable.

However, if you are physically healthy, you can be relaxed and at peace. For example, reduced gut disorders can help you to be in a better mood.

Also, you can sleep well if you are not suffering from any pain and you are healthy. Probiotics help to reduce the symptoms so that you can enjoy a restful sleep.

In conclusion, women over 50 should take a daily probiotic to ensure they have a healthy microbiome. And not just supplements, but also eating probiotic-rich foods.

The result is a healthy gut and staying healthy. It can reduce yeast infections, and bladder infections, reduce the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and balance antibiotics: no more aching stomachs and vaginal infections.

Also, you can sleep better and be mentally healthy since you are not in pain. Probiotics help to balance the good and bad bacteria and reduce the symptoms.

Anshu Dev: Internet trailblazer. Travel ninja. Social media evangelist. Incurable explorer. Subtly charming organizer. Tv scholar. Alcohol geek. Certified creator.

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