What Are The Main Causes Of Acne?

Acne refers to a skin condition in which your hair follicles become blocked due to the accumulation of sebum (skin oil) and dead cells of the skin. These blockages lead to the development of blackheads, whiteheads, nodules and pimples. The acne outbreaks usually tend to occur in teenagers but can also affect people of any age group. This outbreak usually takes place on the face, forehead, chest, shoulders and upper back. This is because these areas secrete the largest amounts of sebum as compared to other skin portions. 

Acne is an inflammatory disorder in which the oil or sebaceous glands come in contact with the hair follicles, in the area from which a fine hair emerges. In people with healthy skin, the Keratinocytes (a type of skin cell) line the follicles. When the skin starts shedding, these Keratinocytes reach the surface of the skin. But that is not the case for skin filled with acne breakouts. If a person has acne, the sebum, hair and Keratinocytes all stick together, blocking the pore. This, in turn, does not allow the skin cells to shed and restricts the oil from rising to the surface of the skin. This combination of oil and dead skin cells permits bacteria to multiply in the hair follicles. This, in turn causes inflammation that is characterised by swelling, redness, pain and burning. 

What Are The Main Causes Of Acne?

It has been believed that acne is a skin inflammation condition that usually arises because one’s skin is prone to it. In fact, acne can be of diverse kinds that differ from mild to severe. So, you might have to pay attention to what type of acne you suffer from. This will help you to opt for the right methods to combat them in need. 

While there are some factors that cause acne to happen in the first place, there is also a wide list of things that cause the already-developed acne breakouts to worsen with time. If one uses skin care products that are liable towards reducing breakouts, it is well and good. But if someone uses skin care products that contain ingredients that cause skin irritation, many problems, including acne breakouts, are likely to develop. So, if you wish to cure this, check out the essential oil that is good for acne.

Three main factors contribute to the development of acne in general. These include:

1. Excessive Production Of Sebum From Sebaceous Glands

Sebaceous glands are tiny glands in your skin responsible for the production of sebum. Sebum is an oily substance that is concerned with coating, moisturizing and protecting the surface of your skin from outside particles. One can also consider it to be the body’s natural oil.

If your skin is vulnerable to acne and is likely to develop these breakouts, your sebaceous glands tend to produce more sebum than the quantity actually needed. This causes the excess sebum created to stay in the bores and clog the sebaceous duct. The clogging of your hair follicles is known as a Comedo. The Comedones (plural form of Comedo) may become the prime reason for the development of acne breakouts, blackheads, whiteheads, nodules, papules, cystic breakouts and pimples. 

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Studies have also shown that the sebum of people without acne differs from that of people suffering from acne breakouts. The sebum of people prone to acne breakouts contains larger quantities of a fatty molecule known as Squalene and certain compounds called Wax Esters. Also, people struggling with acne tend to have a slightly less amount of free fatty acids and Linoleic acids present in their sebum than those without acne. These differences in the nature of sebum are bound to attract bacteria, leading to inflammation and acne breakouts. 

2. Overactive Bacteria

The most commonly found bacteria on the skin is the Propionibacterium Acnes or P Acnes. When a person starts to develop the problem of acne breakouts, the quantity of P Acnes becomes uncontrollable. 

When a skin pore is blocked by the mixture of sebum and dead skin cells, it becomes difficult for Oxygen to get through the pores. This condition is known as an Anaerobic environment. The P Acne can flourish in such a condition, and if the case you are dealing with is one with a clogged pore, they will multiply at a faster rate. 

This multiplied bacteria begins forming a fatty acid waste by digesting the oil in the pores. Now, this waste begins to cause irritation in the lining of the skin. This is what leads to inflammation and redness of the skin. The white blood cells rush to the spot as a reaction to the inflammation. As they die, they combine with the other dead skin cells and form pus. This gives a blemish a Whitish appearance. 

3. Unusual Shedding Of Skin Cells

The top layer of the skin, known as the Epidermis, frequently sheds dead skin cells. This process of constant shedding is known as Desquamation, by which new skin cells replace them, and the skin exfoliates itself. 

The Epidermis is known to consist of several layers with new skin cells generated in the deepest layer called Stratum Germinativum. These newly generated cells travel through all skin layers until they reach the topmost layer called the Stratum Corneum. But they are usually “dead” by the time they reach the outermost layer. These dead skin cells are replaced by new skin cells, which push up from the bottom layer. 

If your skin is prone to acne, this Desquamation process does not work efficiently, and new skin cells are generated in a higher quantity than you require. 

The Bottom Line

As mentioned above, there are three main causes of acne breakouts: excess sebum secretion, bacteria and abnormal dead skin cell shedding. If you wish to say goodbye to all your acne-related problems and inflammation, make sure to check out best Gya Labs essential oil for acne. We assure you will not regret it and benefit from it right on time!

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