5 Ways to Optimise your Content using Featured Snippets

Featured Snippets

Producing high-quality content creates more possibilities in online marketing. The more presence you have in the Search Engine Result Page (SERP), the more audience engagement you will get for the business. It’s the reason why many content creators aim to be in the top rank of Google result pages. 

Most website owners today hire SEO Online Marketing experts to do the job for them. They want to make sure to be ahead among their competitors. Formatting content structure for better SEO includes using optimal word count, headers, table of contents, and word synonyms to get recognised as a featured snippet in SERP.  

Featured snippets are short-type of text that appears in Google’s SERP for a quick response to the search query. The Google algorithm generates the information through the content related to the query, then brings it in the form of a snippet. The common types of featured snippets include definitions, tables, steps, and lists. To succeed in getting in the featured snippet in SERP, there are the ways to follow in getting your content SEO optimised: 

Search for the Question-type Search Queries to Answer 

To begin, identify first the keyword used. The keyword search tool can help with this one. Try KWFinder. In the keyword search, type the word and click the “Questions” tab. Then, make it a goal to answer the question-type search queries related to the business.

Strategise Content Format and Structure 

Think of the best type of featured snippets to the topic of the content. If the topic is about the ranking of music, then a list type of feature snippets will be the most appropriate to apply. Make sure to arrange the information accordingly to the sub-heading topic in the content, so it will be easily generated by the algorithm. 

Optimise Image for Featured Snippets 

Aside from text form, images also appear in search engine results. It comes along with featured snippets generated from search queries. Choose a related keyword for the image on website content. Write an alt text relevant to the keyword search for the website product or services. Add it in the top part of the content. For better presence on Google SERP, uploading original images only is recommended.  

Provide Table of Contents with Anchor Links 

Google algorithm detects potential featured snippets when “Table of Contents” is added. It structures the sub-topics on a list that makes it easy to find. Search Engines are used for quick queries to snatch information. Using TOC is the best option to give convenient searching time for web users. 

Follow the Optimal Word Count for the Content 

There is a higher chance of ranking in Google SERP for long written and high-quality content. Write comprehensively for topics on the website with 1,000 words or more. They help the website grow organic traffic. Longer written content is stuffed with more variety of words, synonyms, related links, and images. Google will recognise it better to become a featured snippet. 

Optimising content to rank first in Google SERP is challenging. Therefore, knowing the right tools and techniques in publishing content on websites is a must to be successful. In reality, established online presence is not only about booming traffic; but, also reaching the target audience of the business effectively. Most of all, the engagement and trust of prospective clients or buyers to the business matter the most.

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