Benefits of Using Online Event Registration

Event Registration

If you’re planning an event or conference, you’ll need to register attendees. You’ve probably heard about the benefits of using online registration software for this purpose: it’s easier for your attendees to sign up and pay, it eliminates the hassle of printing everything out and collecting payments manually, and it generally saves time overall. If you’re still on the fence about going digital with your event registrations, read on! In this post we’ll go over all the reasons why using online registration software is better than using traditional methods like paper forms or even online payment-only portals.

Save Time

You can save yourself a lot of time and hassle by using an online registration tool. Instead of printing forms, mailing them out and collecting payments by hand, you can have your guests register online. This also means that you won’t need to send emails or make phone calls confirming their registrations–the system will do it automatically.

You can also use online registration tools to collect money from guests, so that you don’t have to send invoices or wait for checks in the mail. If a guest has entered their credit card information into the system, then you can charge them right away and avoid any delays in getting paid.

It’s Easy!

You can get started with online registration software in minutes. In fact, most of the time you’ll spend setting up your event will be spent choosing a theme and picking out colors for the site. It’s fun–almost like playing around on Facebook!

Once you’re ready to go live with your website, it takes just a few clicks of a mouse button (or touchpad) to get registered attendees signed up for their tickets or memberships. You don’t need to print anything out or drive anywhere; instead, all information about who has bought tickets or memberships is stored securely online by our secure servers at all times so that even if something happens and we go out of business tomorrow and disappear into thin air without warning (we won’t though), all data would still be available at any time through an API connection between systems such as ours and yours–and yours alone!

Stay Organized

Keeping track of attendees, payments and volunteers is a must. When you’re using an online event registration system, you’ll be able to see who has paid for their tickets and who hasn’t. This allows you to send follow up emails or make phone calls if anyone hasn’t paid yet.

You can also keep track of sponsors by using the system’s built-in reporting tools so that they know exactly where their money is going and what they are getting in return for sponsoring your event!

Easy Reporting and Analytics

Reporting is a key part of any event. It’s important to know how many people attended, what they thought of the event and if it was successful.

Online registration software makes reporting easy by providing all the data you need in one place. This information can be used to identify trends and make improvements for future events.

Online registration software also makes it easy to collect payment information. This is important because you don’t want to be chasing people down after the event for their money.

More Likely to Get Paid

Online event registration software makes it easy to collect payments from attendees. When you use the online registration system, people are more likely to pay because they don’t have to mail in checks or worry about getting their credit card back in time for the event.

You can also automate recurring payments with an online payment processor like PayPal or Stripe. Your attendees can set up automatic monthly payments so that every month there is money automatically taken out of their bank account and deposited into yours.

Eliminate Fraud

Fraudulent registrations are a big problem for event planners, but with online registration software, you can minimize the risk of fraud and make sure that only legitimate attendees register.

For example, one type of fraudulent registration is known as “double dipping.” This type of fraud involves someone who has already paid for their own ticket using their credit card or other payment method (cash) at an event where they were not present. Then they use another person’s name to sign up again so that both will receive tickets from you free of charge!

Another example is when someone registers under multiple false names in order to get more than one free ticket–and this happens more often than you may think! In fact, some people even go so far as creating fake email addresses just so they can sign up multiple times without being caught by their employer or school administration! Online registration software helps prevent these types of scams by verifying each user’s identity before allowing them access into your system’s database where all personal information is stored securely behind strong encryption protocols

Online Registration Software is More Efficient

It’s more efficient because it saves time. You don’t have to spend hours printing and mailing out invoices, or driving around town dropping off payment envelopes for people to pay you in person. Instead, all of this can be done from the comfort of your own home! And if you’re worried about missing something important during the process (like an update from PayPal), don’t worry–online registration software by Eventtia will send you an email notification whenever there’s activity on your account that might require action on your part.

It’s even more efficient because it’s easy to use: just point-and-click! If you’ve ever tried using Microsoft Office Word before then I’m sure this won’t be very difficult at all for you; however if this is something new then don’t worry–the process will become second nature after only a few minutes of practice.


As you can see, there are many benefits to using online registration software. It’s easy to use, it saves time and money and it helps you stay organized. Plus, the more modern technology you use for your event the better chance it has of being successful!