8 -Tips to maintain short hair

short hair
short hair

Your hairs are an attractive feature of your personality. Women around the world search for ways to make them stronger and thicker. The hairstyle you choose needs a lot of concentration. Will the haircut suit the shape of your face? Can you manage the hairstyle comfortably? These are just a few questions that you must consider before choosing any hairstyle. Every hairstyle may not be good for your features.

Short hair is always fascinating for women. But women are not aware of the maintenance hassles that they can encounter. Yes, you may be fully aware you can still wear human hair extensions but do you want to know how you can effectively maintain your gorgeous short hair further? Keep reading to find out some maintenance tips that might help because tying the hair with scrunchies is not always an option. 

If you want to learn some extra tips for maintaining your short hair, scroll down and enjoy!

  • Use Fingers Instead of Combing Often 

Women with short hair are lucky because they do not have to brush their hair often. If you have and brush your hair often, stop doing it from now. Do not comb your hair too much. It damages the hair. Instead, use your fingers to untie the knots. Your fingers can do a better job, and your hair would not be damaged. 

Hairbrushes are important for using, but their excessive use can lead to hair damage soon. When it comes to short hair, the risk increases significantly. Use your fingers when you feel the need throughout the day. Brushing your hair twice a day is a better option if you want stronger and attractive-looking hair. 

  • Use Bristle Brushes for Increased Strength 

A bristle brush is a more convenient option for short hair. The soft bristles slide down smoothly on your hair. The other brushes may get rough. Bristles will work softly, and your hair will be protected. It is also a hair strengthening method. Short hair maintenance is easier with a bristle brush. 

Short length hair looks beautiful, but the casual brush can be deadly for the hair. 

  • Avoid Using Heating Devices 

Excessive heat always hurts your hair. Hair straighteners, curling irons, and blow dryers make your hair look stunning, but what about their health? These heating devices can improve the look of your hair in the short run, but the health of the hair is badly affected in the long-run. 

If you want to maintain your short hair beautifully, avoid using heating devices. 

  • Get Rid of Flyaway Strands with Cotton Buds 

Hair always tangles up no matter how hard you try to keep them in good shape. The most common mistake that women make is they untangle the hair using their fingers. If fingers are not an option, girls use a hairbrush to straighten the hair. Avoid applying excessive force for flyaway strands. 

It is better to use cotton buds for the same purpose. Just soak the cotton buds in water and dab them on the flyaway strands. You will get the best results without pain and loss of hair. 

  • Do Not Forget to Trim Your Hair

The most important thing for maintaining your short hair requires regular trimming. The uneven length of your hairstyle can affect your appearance. It is better to trim your hair regularly. It will make you look more beautiful. You can get yourself a pair of hairdressing scissors online to do it yourself or get someone in your home to do it.  If you’re looking for premium scissors to cut your hair with, consider Joewell Tokosha scissors.

Your hair grows half-inch per month. Therefore, trimming is important. Trimming every six to eight weeks is the most effective for your perfectly maintained short hair.  

  • Wash Your Hair Regularly

Clean hair always looks good. You might have heard a misconception that using shampoo daily is not good for the health of your hair. The story is different for short hair. Use shampoo every day and keep your hair clean and healthy. Note that you should not use an excessive amount of the product. Just a dime-sized quantity is good for your short hair. 

Also, assure the product type. It must match the scalp type you have. Do not use a dry hair shampoo for an oily scalp. It would not show better results. 

  • Rinse with Cold Water for Shining Hair 

Every woman is in search of tricks that can make their hair shine brighter. To make your hair look glossier, rinse your hair with cold water next time you take a bath. Heat baths result in damaged cuticles and your hair loss the shine they have. Rinsing your hair with cold water restores the shine. 

  • Add Volume with Dry Hair Products 

Short hair looks thicker and voluminous. The pseudo volume looks good, but how about getting thicker hair naturally? Sound good, right? To make your hair look thicker, use dry hair shampoos. They are very effective in increasing the thickness of hair. Dry hair shampoos also help you in rejuvenating the locks on the days when you do not have time for washing your hair. 


Short hair is fascinating for every woman. Most features complement short hairstyles, but its maintenance is a hassle for most women. If you do not maintain a hairstyle properly, it would never look good no matter how hard you try. 

Maintenance is very important if you want your short hair to look more attractive. Damaged hair is not an attraction for anyone. If you are finding solutions to the problems or maintenance tips for your short hair, look no further. The tips stated above can greatly help you in achieving the perfect hair goals.